
Golf Swing Tips To Improve Your Golf Game

The following golf swing tips will help you to build your skill level and your confidence to hit the golfball more consistently. These are high level or big picture tips so be sure to check the rest of our site for more low level specific tips Golf swing tip
#1: Maintain a positive image of hitting the golfball. Remember the last time you played this hole and made a good swing at the golfball. Negative self-talk will adversely impact your game. Golf swing tip
#2: Develop a good tough mental attitude. Confidence in your ability to put a bad shot behind you and move on, turn the page in the book in your head to hit a good golf shot. Golf swing tip
#3: Practice does make almost perfect. You do not need to go to the driving range to lower your scores. You can practice putting and chipping on your carpet in your house. Chipping and pitching to a close target in your backyard are proven to be effective ways to drop strokes from your short game. Practice your full swing in front of a mirror, or in the back yard. Go through your preshot routine many times untill it becomes second nature. When you practice your fullswing check to see if you finish the swing in balance, if not make some adjustments in your setup. Golf swing tip
#4: Learn how to play competitive golf with a playing partner by having a match. This will help you become a tough competitor and ingrain the kill instinct that you need to win. Golf swing tip
#5: Purchase golf swing aids or a golf training aid to help groove your swing. My favorite is the speed stik, and the medicus. Golf swing tip
#6: Take a lesson with a golf pro. Ask to have your golf swing videotaped. This will help if you are a visual learner to see the weaknesses in your swing. If you do not care for the style of the teaching pro then find another. There are many pros and many styles of teaching - find the one that is right for you. Golf swing tip
#7: Reading a golf swing tip website such as http://www.golfgist.com will help learn new golf swing tips to practice. Look for new articles and tips that may work for you. We are all different and find different tips work well for some and poorly for others. Golf swing tip
#8: Watch golf video(s) or a PGA tounament and learn from the pros. By watching a pro you will come to realize the importance of the preshot routine to consistent play. The pros do have many diiferent swing and setup keys, see if you can identify them and then try them out for yourself to see if it makes a difference. Golf swing tip
#9: Work on a few golf swing tips each week until you have mastered them. Pay special attention to putting tips and practice your putting the most. This is where most matches are won and lost. Golf swing tip #10: Focus on your swing Tempo - say 1,2,3,4 to yourself during your swing. 1 is the target, 2 is the golfball, 3 is the backswing, and 4 is the downswing. Try these golf swing tips and keep a journal of those that seem to help improve your game.

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